We take professional pictures of your artworks in our south London studio. Our reprographic photography service is suitable for fine artists, graphic designers, ceramicists, illustrators, textile artists and many more. The studio allows for small to medium sized works to be photographed with professional equipment. We do special days where we can offer a great rate when we book you a timed slot.
Please send us a message with the approximate sizes of your artwork, type of artwork and number per type and how many images per item you’d expect (like for ceramics) so we can give you an affordable quote. Any examples of what you have in mind would be very welcome.
Beyond classic repro that often is no more than a scan of a flat piece of art, we can also produce a lifestyle look where your artwork is placed in a lifestyle set that’s done in the studio – or a virtual set based on a stock image for larger wall art. We can even place objects in a virtual setting if we shoot them in a way that works for that. We are also known for being able to reproduce pieces that have thicker paint or mixed media, that need a different, more three dimensional approach to reproduction than what scanning can do.